Personal Savings Accounts

A Teller handing a F&M Bank client an envelope with money in it.

F&M Bank has over a century of experience helping clients reach their financial goals. Whether you’re starting small or dreaming big, F&M Bank has a diverse collection of savings accounts designed to help you succeed.

With these features, every savings account helps you save money—and time.

The above features apply only to F&M Bank Savings Account options. Not including Club Accounts. 

Our Accounts

Core Savings

Save for a rainy day

This savings account is a basic, low-fee account that will simply help you save.
Venture Savings

Save for your dreams

Whether you are planning for a future business endeavor or just for an epic adventure, this savings account can help you reach your goals faster by delivering a competitive, tiered interest rate.
Savings First

Save for the first time

This savings account is perfect for younger clients learning how to manage their money and is designed for clients under 18 years of age.
Christmas Club

Save for the holidays

Holiday expenses have a way of sneaking up on us. With a Christmas Club account, you can put a little money away throughout the year and have plenty when the yuletide season rolls around.
F&M Money Market

Save for your nest egg

Looking for bigger returns and convenience? You can earn interest at rates higher than a checking account while still enjoying easy access to your funds.